Sellers from the largest flower market in India, the most fragrant and colorful

Right now, we will be transported with you to an unusually fragrant, colorful and delightful place - to the largest flower market in India, Malik Ghat in Calcutta. Every day, over two thousand sellers come here with huge bales of flowers to sell them. In all your life you have not seen as many shades and shapes of beautiful plants as you will find here! What can I say, allergy sufferers in the Malik Ghat market are clearly not the place.

It is noteworthy that all these tons of flowers are not bought here for a birthday or as a gift to loved ones, they are intended for offerings to churches and for religious rituals. There are always a lot of customers at the local sellers, so the goods do not stale. Not having time to come here in the early morning, you run the risk of getting to the moment when all the beauty has already been bought up.

At the same time, the flower men themselves look no less spectacular. Men literally from head to toe are hung with flower garlands, and even with bouquets in their hands. This alone is already worth a visit to Malik Ghat!

Watch the video: Sandalwood or Santalum Album or Sreegandha chandan-The fragrant wood (May 2024).

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