A beauty contest in Thailand that will amaze an unprepared guest

This beauty contest called "Miss Tiffany", which has been held in the Thai city of Pattaya since 2004, is at first glance unremarkable. This year, for example, a whole hundred contestants from around the world aged 18 to 25 take part in it. And all would be fine, but there is one caveat: the contestants are not really girls.

"Miss Tiffany" is the largest beauty contest among transgender people and is held with the aim of recognizing and accepting third-person people.

Each year, this event attracts about 15 million viewers. The winner of the competition becomes the owner of a substantial cash prize in the amount of the annual Thai salary and car. Well, the material crown, of course, is attached to the traditional crown and the title of the most beautiful “girl”.

In fact, the contest in Thailand is considered an excellent attraction for tourists, because there is no need to protect the rights and uphold the freedom of sexual minorities: the country is very, very loyal to these people, calling them "other women." And yet, despite such a calm attitude, representatives of these minorities often become victims of discrimination when looking for work. As a result, most of them are forced to work in the field of intimate services and entertainment.

The only insidious danger is that it’s almost impossible to distinguish transgender from real girls! Do not trust? Then look at the following photos, they are not a single ordinary woman.

Watch the video: 明日之子第三季第6期第二次大考公演女孩们豁出去了谁能坐上第一宝座 (May 2024).

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