A bar has been opened in Dubai where you can ... get enough sleep!

Do you have such stressful days at work when all you want to do at lunchtime is curl up and sleep? This opportunity has recently appeared in people working in Dubai. And all thanks to the temporary bar Nap Bar created there. Yes, yes, you understood correctly, a bar where you can take a nap. Officially and with impunity.

The idea and the project belong to the French furniture studio Smarin, which is famous for its sleeping spaces. Now they have surpassed themselves. Nap Bar is equipped with everything that should be in a place entirely devoted to sleep and nap: soft dune-shaped lounge chairs, special pile pillows, herbal teas and essential oils and even musical accompaniment in the form of lullabies. It is the perfect place to relax during a busy day.

Watch the video: DUBAI BEACHES and lots of GOLD! (September 2024).

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