16 amazing colorized photographs of famous personalities

The story tells us about our distant past and is noteworthy in that it depends on the preserved evidence or some documents. That is why we will no longer be able to find out how the voice of a certain historical person sounded if sound recording devices were not yet invented and could not be captured. The same goes for looks. We can only speculate how this or that person who lived in ancient times before the appearance of photography looked like. And even with the advent of this technology, there is still room for imagination, because the pictures were black and white, and you can’t say for sure, for example, what color the dress was in the girl in the photo.

Now many artists are embarking on coloring old black and white photographs, allowing us to get to know more well-known personalities or even ordinary people of the past. Thanks to professional colorization, we better imagine how the world used to look, and sometimes the famous black-and-white photographs take on a completely different look.

Today we would like to introduce you to the works of just such a person. Artist Olga Shirnina, who is better known as Klimbim on the net, is committed to giving color to old black and white photographs, and her particular passion is portraits. Just look how great she is doing!

Russian poet Sergey Yesenin and his wife

Vladimir Vysotsky

Holy righteous John of Kronstadt

Princess Yusupova

Creator of the Bolshevik Party

And his wife

Young Stalin

The peasant who became a prominent public figure, Grigory Rasputin

The writer Leo Tolstoy in an unusual appearance for us as a young lieutenant

Another writer is Maxim Gorky, and his wife is next to him.

Large Siberian family, a photograph of the late 19th century

Satisfied lucky, who became the first passengers of the metro in Moscow in 1935

The famous football goalkeeper of the USSR Lev Yashin


The author of the famous work "Master and Margarita"

Nikolay Gumilev, famous poet of the Silver Age

Watch the video: VINTAGE PHOTOS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE IN HISTORY PART 16 (September 2024).

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