15 incredible x-rays of pregnant animals that delight

Pregnancy is an amazing and happy time, and it does not matter about the person in question or the animal. In any case, the process of the birth of a new life is always something magical and intriguing, one wants to look inside and see how a miracle happens. But if everything is a little clearer with a person, since throughout the pregnancy a woman is examined using ultrasound, then animal babies for most still remain a mystery. Thanks to these x-rays, today we have a rare opportunity to see how the process of gestation of females of different creatures proceeds. And you know what, this is something amazing!

The dog and its many future offspring

Pregnancy oviparous animal - turtles

X-ray of a cat with kittens in the tummy

Ultrasound shark

Snake waiting for its babies

Chinchilla and her twins


Guinea pigs

It looks like a bearded agama pregnancy

And here are the baby raccoons

A monkey

Deer female

Kiwi bird waiting for the moment when it will be possible to lay an egg with a chick

Watch the video: Rainforest animals of the Amazon jungle - BBC wildlife (May 2024).

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