15 photos showing what the abnormal heat did to the world this summer

Recently, it seems that the Earth is turning into a hot pan. The heat is especially terrifying in some parts of the world: fires break out in California and Greece, in Japan extreme temperatures kill people. We have a selection of the most disturbing photos of this year that prove that our world is desperate for cool.

Europe and other continents are experiencing unprecedented heat this year. This is what Lake Lucerne looked like in Switzerland this summer.

Drought causes crop problems. The Danish government predicts that heat waves will cost the country about $ 944 million.

Dry Lake in Germany.

Crowded beach in Spain.

Fatal fires in Greece.

In Switzerland, water is delivered to cows on their withered high mountain pastures by helicopters.

It looks like Greenwich Park in the vicinity of London, which should be completely green under normal weather conditions.

People flee from the heat in the Buen Retiro park in Madrid.

The Barcaccia Fountain was the most popular place in Rome this summer.

And in Warsaw, people did not go far from ordinary sprinklers.

Australia is experiencing a record drought. Its most populous state, New South Wales, is completely drained.

These are two farms in Australia: one with irrigation, the other without.

In Japan, heat takes lives: at least 77 people died and thousands were hospitalized.

California is experiencing the largest and most devastating fires in US history, called the Mendocino Complex Fire.

And even where the fires can be controlled, the path to recovery has a very long way to go. In Redding alone, more than 1,000 homes were destroyed.

Watch the video: 15 Facts That Will Change the Way You See the World (September 2024).

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