What happens if you put an octopus in a jar and close it with a lid

Octopuses are unique in many respects cephalopods, for the study of which there is even a separate science called theutology. They possess such intelligence that many mammals cannot boast, and their ability to penetrate through the smallest holes is simply amazing.

Octopuses are the closest relatives of cuttlefish and squid and belong to the class of cephalopods. These mollusks are completely devoid of the skeleton, both external and internal, and their body is soft and very plastic. The blood of the octopus is blue, and it is pumped through the body by three hearts: one main and two additional, which contribute to the circulation of blood through the gills.

Octopuses are solitary predators that inhabit all the warm tropical and subtropical waters of the oceans. They prefer to settle in secluded places and are mostly nocturnal.

Octopuses have a unique ability to mimicry - a change in body color depending on the color of the surrounding landscape. This is done in order to become invisible to the predator or prey, and the octopus can take a variety of colors. Another way of mimicry that some species of octopus have mastered is imitation of dangerous animals, for example, striped snakes, to scare away potential predators from themselves.

In addition to mimicry, octopuses have another interesting physiological property - autotomy. If the predator grabbed the octopus by one of its eight tentacles, then the owner without regret parted with the limb by breaking the contracted muscles.

Octopuses are of great interest to scientists because of their unusually developed intelligence. In the course of numerous experiments, it was found that these mollusks can distinguish geometric shapes in their shape and size. Octopuses are quickly tamed and find a common language with those who feed them. They are easy to train and quickly learn simple commands, which allows them to be considered not only the most intelligent mollusks, but also the most intelligent animals among all invertebrates.

Another unique feature that, along with intelligence, never ceases to amaze researchers is the amazing plasticity of octopuses. Due to the lack of a skeleton and developed muscles, they can penetrate into the smallest holes between the rocks or even choose a bottle with a narrow neck as a home. We suggest that you verify the incredible mental and plastic abilities of this mollusk and see what happens if you put it in a jar and close it with a lid.

Watch the video: Octopus Escapes Jar (May 2024).

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