Japanese photographer "spied" at a ping-pong table in Germany for 5 years

Living in Leipzig (Germany), the Japanese photographer Hayahisa Tomiyasu every day looked out of the dormitory window at the ping-pong table located near the building. Several months passed, and the Japanese began to photograph what he saw.

What does the life of a public ping pong table look like? You will be surprised, but judging by Tomiyasu's photo series, the table was used as you like, but not for its intended purpose. The housemates sat on it, sheared their dogs and even had picnics. In winter, the table hid under a layer of snow, and in spring it became an ideal place for a quiet sitting and contemplation of life. Oddly enough, in none of the photographs do people play table tennis on this table!

Watch the video: Japanese Style Photography, the art of Moriyama Daido (May 2024).

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