Crows make fun of other animals, tugging their tails

How nice to know that the smartest birds live right next to us. Indeed, according to the researchers, such are the black raven and its closest relative - the most common crow. These creations in terms of intelligence do not lag behind many higher primates. In addition, they are cunning, playful and have a great sense of humor. So, for example, they are very fond of tugging the tails of other animals, which are often much larger and very dangerous. It can be assumed that the most logical reason for this behavior is the desire to take food from predators. Thus, intelligent birds distract and drive other creatures away from food and get a chance to steal it, and also check the level of aggression of a dangerous competitor.

Just take a look at these funny pics. Undoubtedly, crows are the real “trolls” in the animal kingdom!

Watch the video: Crows Troll Animals By Pulling Their Tails (September 2024).

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